The Gospel Informs Our Minds & Inspires Our Mission
Acts 11:1-30
Acts 10:21-48
Acts 10:1-20
The Acts Of The Apostles: Volume Two
Let Earth Receive Her King
The Acts Of The Apostles: Volume One
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The Acts Of The Apostles: Volume Two
Let Earth Receive Her King
The Acts Of The Apostles: Volume One
SVCC 40th Anniversary Service
Celebrating 40 Years Of God's Faithfulness
Reasons to Believe 2024
Sharpen Your Faith
From skeptics to people in the pews, there are doubts and questions in the air. SVCC host an annual apologetics month.
The Book Of Judges
Beyond The Mirror
Teaching series looking at the reality of our identity in this world.
Seven Letters To The Church
Teaching series through "The Seven Letters To The Church" from Revelation chapters 1-5
Famine In The House Of Bread
Teaching series through The Book of Ruth - Famine In The House Of Bread
What Child Is This?
The Book of Philippians, Hold Fast | Stand Firm | Walk Worthy
Bizarre Bible
Reasons to Believe 2023
Sharpen Your Faith
From skeptics to people in the pews, there are doubts and questions in the air. SVCC host an annual apologetics month.
The Wisdom and Folly of the Son of David
Matthew: Part 6
Analog Christian
Matthew: Part 5
Joy Has Dawned
Matthew: Part 4
Our Matthew series continues in its fourth part as Jesus begins to turn the corner and move toward Jerusalem.
Reasons to Believe 2022
Sharpen Your Faith
From skeptics to people in the pews, there are doubts and questions in the air. SVCC host an annual apologetics month.
Matthew: Part 3 | Book 1
Our newest series traveling through the Gospel of Matthew...
The Endless Demands of The Monsters We Worship. A 4 week series.
Matthew: Part 2 | Book 2
Our newest series traveling through the Gospel of Matthew...
Matthew: Part 2
Our newest series traveling through the Gospel of Matthew...
Why this Jubliee?
Join us for our Christmas series in the month of December, Why this Jubliee?
Our newest series traveling through the Gospel of Matthew...
Reasons to Believe 2021
Sharpen Your Faith
From skeptics to people in the pews, there are doubts and questions in the air. SVCC host an annual apologetics month.
Lessons From the Early Church
The newest series at South Valley Community Church, Lessons From The Early Church.
Lessons From the Wilderness
Join us for our newest series, Lessons from the Wilderness.
The Last Days of the Son of Man
Our new series leading up to Good Friday and Easter. The series will examine images and events of the King's final days.
Above the Blare of Sirens
Our newest series, Above the Blare of Sirens. As the bombs drop and the sirens sound, what will you cling to?
A Weary World Rejoices
Join us in our new series, A Weary World Rejoices, as we look at some of the great surprises Jesus had in store for the people he encountered.
Through Mountains and Valleys
Take Heart - Disarming the Three Great Enemies
Disarming the Three Great Enemies
New series about the three great enemies, Satan, sin, and death.
Reasons to Believe 2020
Sharpen Your Faith
From skeptics to people in the pews, there are doubts and questions in the air. SVCC host an annual apologetics month.
Picture This - Decoding the Ancient Images of Jesus
Decoding the Ancient Images of Jesus
New series called "Picture This - Decoding the Ancient Images of Jesus"
The Voice in the Whirlwind
Doubt, Suffering, and the Wisdom of Job
Where the Journey Begins
To Unite All Things
Prepare Him Room
He Is
“Truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” — John 8:58
Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah, saying,“Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it, for their evil has come up before me.”
Reasons to Believe 2019
Sharpen Your Faith
From skeptics to people in the pews, there are doubts and questions in the air. SVCC host an annual apologetics month.
Destroyer of gods
Pharaoh. Plagues. The power of God. A people for God’s possession. The Book of Exodus is a story of rescue.
The End of All Things
“The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.” 1 Peter 4:7
Sojourners and Exiles
The Message of First Peter
We who call Jesus our King are sojourners and exiles awaiting the coming day, but living as if it were already here.
Practicing the Way
What if instead of asking, “What would Jesus do?” we started with, “What did Jesus tell us to do?”
Repeat the Sounding Joy
2000 years ago, a joy unlike any the world had ever heard was announced. In the most unlikely of places, to the most unlikely of people, a Son was to be born.
Every generation that hears James' pastoral and practical message must grapple with the question "Is my faith a working faith?"
Finding Meaning in a Meaningless World
We all seek purpose. Finding meaning in life can be elusive and often leaves us grasping for the meaningful in less-than-meaningful things.
Reasons to Believe 2018
Sharpen Your Faith
From skeptics to people in the pews, there are doubts and questions in the air; we are answering some of the these questions.
The Promise of a King
As we pull back the covers of the story of King David, we find a beloved yet flawed individual; full of faith and hope.
Baptism & Communion
For almost two millennia, Baptism and Communion have been practiced as central parts of our faith. We explore these core church practices, our Sacraments!
Go Therefore
A Study on Evangelism
"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations." Discover how Jesus & the church presented “good news” to a spectrum of beliefs & cultures.
To Wait for His Son
Study on First Thessalonians
“Are we counting the costs?” should echo through our minds as we read through 1 Thessalonians. Do we know what we are saying when we commit to Him as King?
Marriage, Sex, Gospel
And Everything in Between
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This mystery is profound...
Prophet of Doom
There is no single book in the Old Testament that makes a more profound and full statement about God, His rebellious people, and His plan of salvation...
He Has a Name
Discover the Different Names of God
God has several names throughout scripture, some that He reveals about Himself and others use to refer to Him and His character.
Reasons to Believe Archive
Sharpen Your Faith
From skeptics to people in the pews, there are doubts and questions in the air. SVCC host an annual apologetics month.
The Heart of a Father
Discover the Radical Love of God
The harmony of faith, obedience, and love in First John. The world should know we are His children by our love for one another.
Taste and See - HYMNS
Taste and See - HYMNS
Studying the hymnals of recent history to see the breadth and depth of emotion and theology that has influenced the Christian faith and worship.
How to Read Your Bible Well
"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit..." – Hebrews 4:12 (ESV)
Life Hacks
Ancient Life Hacks for the Modern World
Salt and Shadows
Study on the Sermon on the Mount
When we read Jesus' sermon on the mount closely and let it speak to us, it grabs us by the neck and shakes us to our foundation.
The Gods We Worship
Some Trust in Chariots
We create clever shelves and cupboards deep within the kitchen of our soul, places that aren’t meant for light, closets where we stash our secret and unspoken hope.
If Christ, Then…Everything Changes
If Christ, then….In that small phrase, the book of Colossians lays its foundation.
The Prodigal Son
And the Love of a Father
This story is meant to shock and challenge what people think about God, love, religion, and forgiveness.
Taste and See
A Journey Together Through the Psalms
Even in our worship of God, the Psalms minister to our hearts and minds reminding us of the unflinching goodness of God.
of Thorns and Crowns
A Series on the Story of the Bible
The question the Bible poses is this: how does a good God rescue a people who do not want to be rescued?
Faith Alone - Christ Alone
This series explores the foundations of salvation and the true meaning of Faith Alone- Christ Alone we are saved.
The Lost Books of the Bible
There are no lost books except ones we never study
Ruth Revealed
Sorrow, Sovereignty, and the Love of God
The book of Ruth is a profound account of God’s providence in the lives of otherwise ordinary people who observed God’s covenant in rather mundane circumstances.
Encounters with Jesus
Where the Journey Begins
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