Unexpected Heart

Isaac Serrano
Jun 10, 2018
1 Samuel 16-17
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Saul has made mistakes. He tends to come up with excuses and blame-shifts rather than owning up to his missteps. Now, God has rejected him which puts Samuel, who anointed Saul king, in a challenging situation—anoint another king. While Saul was the strapping, tall, dark, and handsome one, we are introduced to a new scene where Samuel is tempted to look for Saul-like outward strength and stature. A parade of candidates from the family of Jesse are showcased, and if it were Samuel’s choice, it is clear there would have been multiple winners. God had other plans. This job would require the faithful one in the pastures, the one who gets overlooked. Like Saul, David is handsome, but young and clearly not what his family would consider a “leader” since he wasn’t even invited to Samuel’s party.

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Isaac Serrano is Lead Teaching Pastor of South Valley Community Church. He likes talking theology, history, and culture. Isaac lives in Gilroy with his family. On his days off, he likes to go fishing and venture outdoors. Isaac serves on the leadership board for the Regeneration Project.

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