Don’t I Know You?

Isaac Serrano
May 9, 2017
1 John 2:1-6
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Growing up, I hated when people called me “kid.” For example, you might hear “Hey kid, can you grab that rope for me” or “that kid over there is new to school.” It always seemed so belittling and detached, as if “the kid” was an unsubstantial finger-puppet just be-bopping around for no apparent reason, kind of like those promotional “inflatable tube guys” that just teeter and flop to grab a passing glance. “Kid” was a four letter word in my book. Deep down, I knew it was not derogatory, but it would raise my pre-adolescent blood pressure. On the other hand, if my dad or mom called me “kiddo” it was a whole different story. It was a badge of connection and care that drew me in. I wanted to be their “kiddo” because it was familial and warm. It somehow tied my identity to them. But to be honest, the only true difference I can identify between my understanding of “kid” and “kiddo” is closeness, or to put it another way, “knowledge.” When I heard “kid,” it spoke the words “unknown to me” while hearing “kiddo” spoke the words “part of us,” or “I know you.” So, what does this have to do with First John? A pastoral tone breaks out in this section as John addresses his words directly to his audience. Like a concerned grandparent he begins, “My little children.” Were they a bunch of toddlers raiding the raisin cakes, or a group of mischievous youngsters fighting over the day’s flatbread? No. They were his children in the faith. They were to be a legacy to his apostolic life—he “knew” and cared for them. The problem was that the “separatists,” were claiming to have fellowship with God (claiming “I know him”), but felt no desire to obey Him. To use John’s word, they were “liars” passing darkness off as if it were light.

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Isaac Serrano is Lead Teaching Pastor of South Valley Community Church. He likes talking theology, history, and culture. Isaac lives in Gilroy with his family. On his days off, he likes to go fishing and venture outdoors. Isaac serves on the leadership board for the Regeneration Project.

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