A Tangible King Leads to a Tangible Kingdom

Isaac Serrano
Apr 23, 2017
1 John 1:1-4
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Imagine you’re a parent. You have spent your life teaching your children how to be wise, how to be responsible, and how to care for others, but now you are reading an email from your daughter who is one year into a new business endeavor. Just six months ago you recall taking her to a celebration dinner and listening to her bubble-over with joy, telling stories about her company’s early success, its unique vision, and her hopes. But now you’re hunched over your laptop feeling her heartbreak and bitterness because her business partner is leaving to start a competing company and some of her best employees are leaving too. The betrayal is eating away at her mind, emotion, and spirit. Her email reads like a hurricane; thoughts of revenge, questions of changing her currently successful strategy to follow the soon-to-be competitor, and even ideas of quitting altogether crash like waves into each other. You move your schedule around so you can be with her, in her presence, but as you are on your way, the question haunting you is, “how do I encourage my daughter?”

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Isaac Serrano is Lead Teaching Pastor of South Valley Community Church. He likes talking theology, history, and culture. Isaac lives in Gilroy with his family. On his days off, he likes to go fishing and venture outdoors. Isaac serves on the leadership board for the Regeneration Project.

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